Conventional Incentives Don’t Work As Well As They Used To

The conventional incentive rewards the individual...usually with something monetary. Like so many things, incentives have evolved and become more complicated than a simple financial incentive. Not everyone is money motivated. A personal example: As long as I am earning what I need, money is not a motivator for me. I am, instead, motivated by discovery and [...]

By |2018-01-19T13:21:04-05:00December 28th, 2016|The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

In light of our recent presidential election this is especially fitting. The invective, threats and vitriol directed at our President - Elect pale in comparison to what President - Elect Lincoln experienced. Let's remember that he had to sneak into Washington because of the very real threat of assassination. People didn't protest they rioted. His [...]

By |2018-01-19T13:21:04-05:00November 22nd, 2016|The Creedy Commentary|3 Comments

Buy Sell: The Texas Shoot Out Provision

I love the story of two little boys fighting over the last piece of cake. Mom comes into the kitchen as they are pushing and shoving and with "Solomon - like" wisdom says, "Johnny, Billy, there is enough for both of you. Johnny I want you to cut the cake into two pieces and Billy [...]

By |2018-01-19T13:21:04-05:00November 8th, 2016|The Creedy Commentary|3 Comments

Rice Paddy to Rice Paddy in 3 Generations

Sociologists have discovered there is a saying in every culture that is best illustrated by the title to this article (which is the Chinese version). Basically, it refers to the lowly peasant who works hard to break out of the rice paddy life by starting a business which he then passes on to his heirs. [...]

By |2018-01-19T13:21:04-05:00October 10th, 2016|The Creedy Commentary|0 Comments

What Proof Do You Require?

We live in a litigious society. More and more practitioners are ending up in lawsuits.  Often it isn't really their fault. Lawyers will tell you to make sure you always CYA! Richard Callahan, former funeral home owner and funeral director has spent the last 20 years of his career as an Expert Witness in a [...]

By |2018-01-19T13:21:04-05:00October 3rd, 2016|The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

A Comment That Changed My Life

Many years ago I fell prey to a "woe-is-me" episode. A friend made an offhand comment that changed my life direction and I want to share it with you. But, first, let me say that his comment really offended me. That's a true friend...someone who tells you what you NEED to hear regardless of how it [...]

By |2018-01-19T13:21:04-05:00August 10th, 2016|The Creedy Commentary|6 Comments

5 Ways Funeral Directors Sabotage Progress

The prevailing culture in funeral service is Passive Aggressive. I have talked about the "ten call man" before and how that person subversively undermines a business. But, unwittingly, owners and staff can undermine themselves.  Here are 5 ways you can commit "self-sabotage." Never permit short cuts. It's necessary to establish procedures and rules to avoid [...]

By |2018-01-19T13:21:04-05:00August 2nd, 2016|The Creedy Commentary|4 Comments

Knowing Too Much Causes You To Underserve Families

Some years ago a study was conducted. A group of people were divided into "tappers" and "listeners". The tappers were asked to pick a popular tune and tap it out and the listeners were asked to identify it. The study found that the "tappers" predicted that the listeners got it right at least 50% of [...]

By |2018-01-19T13:21:04-05:00May 30th, 2016|The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment
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