A Lifetime Poured Out Should Count for Something

You have spent your career pouring yourself out for others.  In the back of your mind you have always thought the business would fund your retirement.  You were thinking of retirement as an event. Now that you can actually imagine it, you are realizing that handing over the keys is a whole lot more complicated than you thought.

I don’t care if it’s about legacy or money, everyone wants to finish well. They want something that says all that sacrifice…that stress…missed paychecks and ornery customers was worth it. 

They want to know they mattered.

Is there a roadmap to finishing well?

Roadmaps begin at a starting place and end with a destination. Simple.

Most people, when they ask for a roadmap are really expecting a cookie cutter.  It’s not what they want, but it is what they figure they will get. Because that is what most consultants provide.

But a roadmap is specific to the traveler.  A map of California doesn’t do you much good if you are in Ohio. Yes, I am concerned about your finances, just like everyone else. I am more concerned about helping you finish well. Cookie cutters can’t do that.

While we “begin with the end in mind,” we start at the beginning. The key is to determine where you are and where you want to go. 

Let’s figure that out.