This category contains articles about how to get and keep customers

Facebook Revenge: Social Media Rules of Engagement

I have found that "unfriending" people (in particular vendors using this mechanism to solicit) is an emotionally rewarding pastime...and I don't think I am alone. As you know I have been trying to get my head around this social media thing.  (See "You Annoy Me") You probably also know that I like Epiphanies.  And I [...]

Brad Speaks: Courage: How to Merchandise Your Service Charge

Many years ago I observed that funeral directors were spending a lot of energy, time, and resources (like money) to improve their casket merchandising. With a consistent year-over-year growth trend in cremation I found this odd. Especially in light of the complete absence of effort to do the same thing with service charges. So, I [...]

By |2012-01-28T19:07:43-05:00October 7th, 2010|CUSTOMERS: Getting and Keeping Them, Video|0 Comments

Randy Bunker: Engaging Customers in A Powerful Way

A satisfied customer is no guarantee of a repeat customer. So say a growing number of marketing strategists including some of the most prestigious among the marketing professors at harvard, Stanford and Wharton. Today businesses must go beyond satisfying customers to ENGAGING customers. Here is a great example of encouraging participation, customer engagement and a [...]

By |2012-01-28T19:19:36-05:00October 7th, 2010|CUSTOMERS: Getting and Keeping Them, Video|0 Comments
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