Funeral Homes Compete…
…In an increasingly complex world that demands we continually raise the bar on service, differentiate ourselves in the marketplace and keep a lid on prices. Everone seems to agree that one of the most important things owners must master is Employee Engagement.
But First Owners Must Master Themselves
Imagine Three Competing Funeral Homes
Taking The long View — who do you think wins?
Taking The long View — who do you think wins?
Take The Quiz
Which owner has the least stress?
___ Passive
Which Owner has the most fun?
___ Passive
Which funeral home will eventually succeed?
___ Passive
Which funeral home will attract the best and brightest
___ Passive
Specifically, are you willing to:
___ Be 0pen and vulnerable
___Learn to communicate appropriately
___Learn how to develop people
___Fire your “Ten-Call-Tyrant”
___Set achievable stretch goals and celebrate small wins
___Celebrate the wins of others
___Create an environment that is safe for people to take reasonable risks
___Hold everyone (including yourself) accountable to expectations