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I provide you with…

Succession Planning

Business Valuations

Business Advisory

Let me introduce myself

When you engage my company… you get me.

I know how things work and I also know why they work.  Because I have become adept at thinking both theoretically and critically, I can imagine solutions to challenges that seem “out-of-the-box” but work.

When I started Creedy & Co. I made a deliberate promise to my wife and to myself that I would serve a limited number of clients.  And that my projects would have a beginning and an end (I don’t like retainers) and that I would work for the best results…even if it wasn’t always the best result for me. 

So, you can think of me as a “boutique” firm.  I am not a big business and don’t want to be.  What I want is to deliver quality work for people I like and for whom I am the best fit so that I can accomplish the best results. Because, at the end of the day, size matters much less than results…and results are the only true way you have of measuring my value against others.

One last thing, when you call, I answer my own phone and I don’t ask why you are calling.

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After spending a lifetime (and, in some cases, generations) building your business we can’t help experience both “separation anxiety” and grief.  This book helps you understand you are not unique and that there is a path to a better future.

** Once your request for your free copy is received. You will receive the book in the mail within 10 business days.

Preparing for Your Business Transition

Most people only sell a business once in a lifetime.  This book specifically address BOTH the financial AND emotional issues funeral home owners can expect to experience.  Its purpose is to help prepare you for that inevitable time of transition.

Finish Well After a Lifetime

Most funeral home owners have spent a lifetime POURING THEMSELVES out for others.  They typically work long hard hours, missing family and personal time.  I believe you DESERVE to finish well.  This book speaks to how you can do that.

Finding the Right Fit Beyond the Price

Most sellers plan to continue to live in their communities.  This means that FIT is as important as Price.  This book helps you think through what is important and what is not.

Plan Your Exit with Purpose and Direction

Most people who are “burned out” fixate on “getting out.” They ignore the importance of both HOW they get out as well as WHERE they are going to.  This book helps you think through these critical results.

Shared Success Stories

Scott Mueller
Alan is the only, and I mean ONLY, consultant that looks forward. Anyone can tell you where you've been, but it takes talent, knowledge and nuance to help you where you're going. Having a navigator that can look 5 years ahead, and be accurate, is priceless. Alan is definitely worth it and you'll never question his character, as I have with others in the same space.
Mueller Memorial Funeral Home
Michael W. Owens
I have been privileged to be foremost a friend, and secondly a colleague of Alan Creedy for several years. Also, I have been fortunate to have attended several of his workshops and "busman's holidays" and always receive more value than I paid. I don't know of an individual that has any greater sense of what the trends and dynamics of funeral service past, present and future are than Alan Creedy. I greatly value his friendship and his resource.
Owens Memorial Services
Mark K. Anthony
Thankfully, I have had the distinct privilege of knowing Alan Creedy for many years. During that time I have attended his programs, traveled on his educational trips and received his monthly emails. If you could design an individual to promote the funeral professions ideals and spirit it would be an Alan Creedy. He has the commitment, compassion and desire of someone half his age, we can only wish of of it rubs off on the young people entering our profession today. We are all lucky to have him in our corner...
Anthony Funeral Chapels
Jodi Clock
Humility, compassion, straight-forward, integrity, and an expert in funeral service are just some of the words that I use to describe Alan Creedy. I've known him all of my professional career, and both as a colleague / competitor and always was someone I wanted to partner with. Alan's candor and communication abilities fosters trust within the team he is coaching. Our team did not feel threatened when he interacted with them, the left listened too and understood. If you are considering bringing on a consultant for whatever reasons, marketing, morale and team, or an exit strategy, think no more - call Alan. You'll get more than you bargained for!
Clock Funeral Home
Janice Redmond, CPA
Alan's vast knowledge, straightforward manner, and his passion for the death care service continues to make an impact in an industry that is filled with disruption. As an experience advocate for the funeral industry, Alan challenges others to evaluate and possibly shift the paradigms in a rapidly changing field. Alan's willingness as a trusted advisor is what makes him an invaluable resource, it was been a tremendous experience to be given the opportunity to work with Alan as a colleague and in collaboration with clients. He makes a difference in everything he and will be a trues asset to all those who with him.
Janice Redmond & Associates CPA
David W. Storke
Several years ago I realized that the funeral business that I had owned for over twenty years suddenly felt different. I had paid of the debt from the purchase and had almost doubled the call volume. But as each year passed, I felt like there was less money in my checking account. I knew I needed someone that would come in, look over my specific situation and gently offer suggestions. I really felt inadequate as a businessman and scared to death to have someone come in, examine things and give me the bad news. A friend recommended Alan Creedy and from the first phone call, I knew I had the right person!
Storke Funeral Homes
David Lee Hernandez, Jr.
Alan possesses a unique knowledge of the death care industry that leads to success. Using his background as a CPA, he has an ability to analyze financials, industry trends and metrics unlike many others. Perhaps even more important is his ability to inspire and effecutate change within organizations. He has always been patient, kind and honest. Alan has helped shape my career and my organization.
Jersey Memorial Group
Dave Clock
Alan Creedy has the unique ability to understand where you have been, what's going on now and where you should be going in the future. He will help you find a plan that's right for "your" situation. Humble, transparent and willing to share his own challenges. Alan can get you unstock from the quicksand that all funeral business have. Teacher, mentor, advisor, and friend when you need it most. Whether it's financial challenges, staff issues, Buy-Sell situations or family dynamics, Alan's wise and gentle guidance is like a beacon in the storm.
Clock Funeral Home

Let’s Collaborate: Your Strategic Partner for Business Success

At Creedy & Company, we’re more than just a consultant – I am your dedicated partner in driving business success.

With a deep understanding of your industry and unique needs, we collaborate with you to develop innovative strategies that enhance growth and achieve measurable results.

By combining my expertise with your vision, I can ensure that every step I take is aligned with your long-term goals. Let’s collaborate to unlock new opportunities and achieve success, together.