We All Know The Questions…It’s Time For Some Answers

Sometimes the course of our lives depends on what we do...or what we don't do.   Will my kids be able to enjoy the same rewards and lifestyle as I have? What am I supposed to do with the investment I have in facilities and rolling stock? How can I get myself, much less my [...]

Hey You…Yes You!

I am out of my comfort zone.  It's ok.  But it's like learning to write your name with your left hand if you are right handed.  Try it.  It's hard.  you have to think about it. Hopefully, by now, dear reader you have figured out my true passion.  I believe in funeral service and I [...]

By |2018-01-25T19:53:35-05:00July 21st, 2014|Blog, Practitioner Forum: Insights and Ideas|6 Comments

Caregiver or Martyr? Beware the Rescuer Trap

Are you addicted to helping others or are your customer relationships creating unhealthy responses? Perhaps you’ve fallen victim to the Rescuer Syndrome. One of the common threads I am discovering as I get deeper into the study of culture within the funeral profession is the belief that one must be a “suffering servant” doing what [...]

What DeathCare Can Learn From The Way Women Dress…An Epiphany

Insights come from the strangest places. This time from why women dress the way they do. My wife has bad feet. Most women do. Why? Because women's shoes are not designed for practicality. They are intended only to create an impression. Comfort and productivity, as purpose, are lost in favor of competing with others. When [...]

Our Industry’s Self Talk: The Bad and the Great.

Alternative Title: It's Time To Get Over Yourself! Not long ago I was part of a group studying the challenges of recruitment in the funeral profession. I was stunned to hear the "table talk" of practicing funeral directors. Our conversations centered around why people wouldn't want to be funeral directors...the long and unpredictable work hours, [...]

PTSD: The Slow Leak in Funeral Service’ Tire

As we enter our 3rd month following the Newtown disaster our nation has long since settled back into its routine fighting over symptoms and ignoring causes. I find myself reflecting on a hidden issue.  A secret only occasionally mentioned and then quickly dismissed. No doubt those directly involved following this latest trauma are still affected [...]

Expert opinion: What To Say When They Say “Dad Wanted Nothing”

A few years ago I was meeting with a husband and wife who operated a very successful funeral home. Like most successful people they were always looking for new ideas to help them stay in front of their competitors. To protect their privacy I'll call them Bill and Jane. Over the course of our two [...]

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