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10 Reasons I Am Optimistic About DeathCare

As you may have gleaned from other writings I believe DeathCare is at The Threshold of The Single Greatest Opportunity in 150 Years! Here are ten reasons I believe this:

Reason 10: From this point forward 10,000 “Baby Boomers” will turn 65 EVERY DAY for at least the next 20 years

Reason 9: We are beginning to serve more younger seniors who still have active social networks and less very ancient seniors whose social networks are small to non-existent

Reason 8: Younger practitioners are becoming more assertive in separating from traditional constraints of our past so they can embrace the opportunities of our future.

Reason 7: A few forward thinking practitioners are experiencing success freeing themselves from the strategic dominance of “Casket-Centric” thinking.

Reason 6: More women are having a positive influence.

Reason 5: New strategies are springing up that hold the first promise of replacing the margin lost on the average cremation sale.

Reason 4: After almost 50 years of public drubbing by muckrakers like Jessica Mitford and Lisa Carlson, a few centers of influence are beginning to recognize the nobility of the profession.  The negative self talk we have become used to is being challenged as we focus on the positive contribution our profession makes to society and the people in our communities.

Reason 3: More than 55% of today’s licensees are over 55 meaning that as they age into retirement the profession will be forced to develop alternative models and there will be fewer owners serving more families.

Reason 2: By the end of this decade we will see annual growth rates of 3 -4% nationally.  This is unprecedented in our history. While we are not prepared for the implications of such growth we will adapt to it.

Reason 1: Boomers will have a significant positive impact:  They are already sending strong signals that they not only want a funeral…they expect a funeral.  They are sending equally strong signals about the form of service they expect and the role they will play in those services personally.  (Note I said funeral not burial.  Cremation will continue to grow but, for an increasing share of the market, will finally be just another form of disposition)

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Alan Creedy

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