Six Blind Funeral Directors – Fourth Installment

What, Then, Shall We Become? So, considering the issue from a theoretical, rational  and contextual perspective, we are left with the question: Now What?! When this most recent transformation began several decades ago the question was: “how can we adapt?”  I believe that question led us down some unfortunate rabbit trails.  It is less about [...]

By |2023-05-29T11:44:49-04:00May 29th, 2023|Uncategorized|3 Comments

End of Watch

End of Watch As I write this it is July 27, 2020 and so far this year more than 140 police officers have sacrificed their lives for you and for me. 19 so far in July alone. Yet, the mainstream media excoriates them for doing their job. Demonstrators humiliate and physically assault and even murder [...]

By |2020-07-27T14:27:34-04:00July 27th, 2020|General Topics, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Creedy Not Bloodless After All

Blood Drives...Something You Can Do During the Pandemic Well there is a picture you can't unsee. Me giving blood at Pierce Jefferson Funeral Home in Greensboro. A few weeks ago I suggested to some of my clients they hold a blood drive. Several of them took me up on it. The first was Danny Jefferson [...]


My discussion of reinvention / transformation has sparked more comment (online and offline) than most any other topic. Clearly it is on every one's mind. As we continue to explore this topic it is important...maybe critical...that we realize that we have an obligation to ourselves and to the public to be conscious of keeping a [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:29:28-05:00December 10th, 2012|Blog, General Topics, The Creedy Commentary, Uncategorized|5 Comments

Alan Creedy: Sensory Rich Mission Statements Work

It is accepted wisdom that companies should have a mission statement.  In most cases this exercise produces a plain vanilla restatement of something that sounded good. Effective mission statements connect with personal values...for both the members of the organization and those they serve.   Some are bold others are just simple statements of commitment.  But the [...]

By |2010-10-07T19:17:23-04:00October 7th, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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