How 1% = 20% Profit Increase
I recently read about a research project conducted by McKinsey & Company, a world renowned consulting company. They found that among a select group of 1200 global companies, a 1% increase in average prices would translate into an 11% increase in profits. Assuming demand remains constant, an additional study revealed that the same 1% increase in price would increase profits from 16% (Home Depot) to 155% (Sears). So, what would a 1% increase yield in a typical funeral home?
Let’s assume a 100 call funeral home with average sales of $6,500 per call
Before After
Calls 100 100
Average Sale $6,500 $6,565
Total Revenue $650,000 $656,500
Cost of Goods ($130,000) ($130,000)
Gross Margin $520,000 $526,500
Overhead $487,500 $487,500
Profit $32,500 $39,000
Increase in profit ($39,000 – $32,500) / $32,500 = 20%
Interesting! Just goes to show you how powerful that low variable margin really is.
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