How To Access Local Caregiver Influencers
We know a few things:
- There are 48,000,000 people who are active adult caregivers in the U.S.
- Many Boomers are currently active caregivers or anticipate soon becoming one.
- If the surviving spouse is still living at the time of the funeral someone you are talking to is already a caregiver or soon will be.
If you have ever been a caregiver you know that your level of involvement is progressive as the person cared for moves along the needs continuum. At some point many will need “In-Home” care either part or full time.
Among the best services available is a franchise company named Home Instead Senior Care. This Company has locations in every state, all the provinces of Canada and many other countries.
The Senior Emergency Kit
Home Instead has recently published an excellent support kit for Caregivers which details the many things Caregivers need to organize and know about. Even when Hospice is called in, the family caregiver is still involved at a personal level and Home Instead recognized the need to help them pull together the information they will need in one place.
Recognizing that many of the families you serve have at least one person who is or soon will be a caregiver, making this kit available in your funeral home is not only an excellent service but a great way for you to get involved in an influential group through your local Home Instead Franchisee.
Contact your local Home Instead Franchisee. Meet with them in your funeral home and give them a tour. Offer to provide the Senior Emergency Kit to your families in return for the franchisee’s reccomendation.
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