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Is Your Company Coherent?

Booz & Company, one of the foremost consulting leaders in innovation, has discovered a link between performance and strategy called “Coherence.”  For a company to be described as coherent, it must be resolutely focused on the interrelationship among three critical elements: its market position (its chosen “way to play” against competitors); its most distinctive capabilities, which work together as a system; and its product and service portfolio. 

They have devised a Coherence Profiler which should be of use to all Deathcare Practitioners.   This 5 minute survey provides a “real-time” diagnostic for the coherence in any company.  Coherence delivers a premium to companies by increasing effectiveness, efficiency, use of critical resources and overall alignment. 

I recommend taking the profile by clicking on the highlighted link above.  You can also read the full article by going to the Strategy + Business website directly (click here)

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Alan Creedy

Business Consultant / Owner

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