Matt Shannon: New Ways to Use Webcasting
If you are like a growing number of funeral homes you offer webcasting. We webcast our mother’s funeral. This was the only way her 95 year old brother, 103 year old best friend and a handful of others could attend. They were thrilled.
But with the help of Event By Wire Matt Shannon of Holman-Howe Funeral Home in Lebanon, MO has found a way to create PR events and even engage the local network TV station.
As you view this video I want you to keep one thing in mind:
This program works because Matt gets up out of his chair and uses the concept to create meeting opportunities for influence makers in his community. He gets others involved in promoting the project.
I have seen others try this and fail because all they do is send letters and postcards and maybe put an ad in the local paper. The thing to remember is that this is both a public service and an opportunity to meet people who could influence future business. PEOPLE BUY FROM PEOPLE THEY LIKE. and the best way to learn to like someone is in person!! So, get up off your rear end and go out and meet somebody. Here is another thought, how many people are trapped in hospice who might like to send greetings to long distance friends or family…or…family who would like to send holiday greetings to someone who can’t travel. Don’t miss the missionary angle either.
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