On Motivation – Money Is Not The Answer
Did you know that money is not a motivator. It is only a hygiene factor. Paying too little creates dissatisfaction…paying fairly only takes away the bone of contention…paying too much does not create enthusiasm and can often lead to dissatisfaction.
So what really motivates people. It’s simpler than you think and if you are as introspective as I can be at times you will realize you already know it. The trick is to get over your personal trash and execute what, strangely, seems counterintuitive but is really not.
I try to keep the amount of time you need to commit to my posts limited but this 20 minute video is too good to exclude Dan Ariely shares how to really motivate and demotivate people.
Take Aways:
- Ignoring contributions is the same as shredding people’s work in their faces
- Meaning is more important than efficiency
- When people have to make an effort (work harder) at something they actually love their work more
So, go get a cup of coffee, sit back and learn something valuable enough to spend 20 minutes.
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