Inside the Mind of Funeral Consumers

Several years ago the Funeral Service Foundation commissioned an unorthodox market research project. They retained one of the foremost market ...

5 Ways To Breathe Life Into Your Business

This week I was privileged to be interviewed by Sebastian Thalhammer of Austria. You may or may not have heard ...

Best Veterans Ad Ever

I found this ad on youtube. Produced by Boeing it is, in my mind, the best tribute to veterans I ...

Customer Service: What Does It Look Like

Here is a great video that you should watch with your staff and talk about. QUESTION: How do you mentally ...

Empathy / Sympathy A Very Important Difference

Unlike most other professions funeral practitioners must operate within an often sensitive emotional environment. Let's call it emotionally charged. We ...

Our Industry’s Self Talk: The Bad and the Great.

Alternative Title: It's Time To Get Over Yourself! Not long ago I was part of a group studying the challenges ...

On Motivation – Money Is Not The Answer

Did you know that money is not a motivator. It is only a hygiene factor. Paying too little creates dissatisfaction...paying ...

Roadmap To A Great Legacy

I started out too many weeks ago addressing the virtues of a senior leader making themselves unnecessary and I ran ...

He Is Risen

Here is a short video for Good Friday to remind us that Jesus lives. Watch it, you might be surprised ...

The Wind Is Changing – The Conversation Project

For months now I have been telling DeathCare that the wind is changing in our favor.  The public attitude toward ...

Video: If You Want A High Performing Organization Are You Measuring The Right Things?

My hero, Peter Drucker, believed: "For the organization to perform to a high standard, its members must believe that what ...

A Model For Change Within Your Organization

Here is an interesting perspective on implementing change within your own organization. Most funeral homes and cemeteries are at level ...

The Simpler The Strategy The More Likely The Success

Why do DeathCare Practitioners get these "Deer In The Headlight" looks when you use the word "Strategy" in their presence? I ...

Lessons On Leadership: Peak Performance From Adequate People

Peter Drucker was the first to draw a parallel between Leadership and Orchestra Conductors when he observed: "A great orchestra ...

Here Is a Video that Deserves To Be Viral

Get your crying towel out.  This is a great video and I hope you will help make it viral.  click below ...

Brad Speaks: Courage: How to Merchandise Your Service Charge

Many years ago I observed that funeral directors were spending a lot of energy, time, and resources (like money) to ...

Matt Shannon: New Ways to Use Webcasting

If you are like a growing number of funeral homes you offer webcasting. We webcast our mother's funeral. This was ...

Randy Bunker: Engaging Customers in A Powerful Way

A satisfied customer is no guarantee of a repeat customer. So say a growing number of marketing strategists including some ...

Why People Call…a web video

What is needed is a sensory rich way to communicate why people should call us rather than the other guy ...

Laura Marchelos: A Bold Testimonial Ad

Many funeral directors know that when they really help someone that person often becomes a friend and advocate. Yet, we ...

Kevin Bean: How To Get Customers to Stop Fixating on Price

In a recent Harvard Business Review article of the same title as this page the authors discussed research findings on ...

Chris Butler: It’s All In The Details

It used to be said that "Funeral Service is in the details." One of the characteristics of truly great practitioners ...

JIm Price: A Simple Way to Get Your Community Involved With You

Today's awareness of our active military and veterans is higher than it has ever been. We are all looking for ...

Jim Price: Helping a Community Mourn

We all look for special ways to interact with our community. We know that when a national or international figure ...

Chris Butler: Being In The Moment

I used to have a senior manager who worked for me that told me that when he served a family ...

John Wujek: Front & Center: Affirming The Reason We Have Funerals

I have never been able to find anyone who can explain to me why our profession believes they should always ...

Kevin Bean: Public Viewings Without A Casket

If you watch "Antiques Roadshow" with any regularity or you are like me and are old enough to have met ... Inexpensive Local Internet Marketing

There are 65,000,000 adult caregivers of whom 45,000,000 are caring for the elderly. These folks are part of the influence ...

Tyler Tetrick: A Better Way to Approach Preneed Guarantees

Preneed Guarantees are a hot topic these days. Funeral Homes feel caught betwixt and between...desparately wanting to get out of ...