Check Their Math! How The Herd Instinct Works In Funeral Service

WARNING! This is not about caskets! A couple of decades ago I was visiting with 3 funeral home owner friends. They were discussing among themselves that the expensive makeovers of their selection rooms, popular at the time, were not working as advertised. Having heard nothing but glorious praise about these "retail" style showrooms I was [...]

Lest You Misunderstand

politically incorrect photo Last week's post was about casket discounting. I just want to make myself clear. I still meet people who believe their salvation is in the selection room. They even have incorporated their arrangement rooms inside their showrooms. (What kind of message does that send??) What I want my readers to [...]

The Curse of the 25% Casket Wholesale Discount

So, it's not my hunt...not even my dog; but I just hate being played. A few weeks ago I was working with a client in the Midwest: 50 to 60 calls 30 - 35 caskets sold a year He was so proud of himself. He had just negotiated a 25% discount from one of the [...]

You Don’t Need Another Licensee

Lessons From Radar O'Reilly Some years ago there was a nationwide nursing shortage. Then some very wise doctor's and hospitals realized that there really wasn't a shortage...there was a problem. Too many nursing duties were non - nursing tasks. Things like paperwork, bathing patients, cleaning rooms etc. Doctors and hospitals were using nurses as glorified [...]

A New Approach To Price Shoppers

I subscribe to the Harvard Business Review Blog and an interesting article came through today that I wonder might have application to those of you who might be challenged by low price competitors. It is a way to separate those who are truly price shoppers and those who are looking for value. It also might [...]

4 Ways To Compete Against Low Price Competitors

There are two fundamental assumptions you must make in order to compete effectively against low price competitors: Some people buy solely on price...but it is the smallest part of your market Most people buy on value Let's talk a minute about the value buyers. People want value for their dollar. You do. Most people you [...]

10 Barriers to Succession Planning Part 3 of 3

This week we finish our discussion of barriers to succession with: 4. Serving more than one master. Change is hard enough. But there is an old biblical reference that is always true: "You cannot serve two masters." The business needs to stand on its own and only insiders should have influence. Too often non participating [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:21:21-05:00February 17th, 2014|Blog, Money: Getting it and Keeping it, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

10 Barriers to Succession Planning Part 2 of 3

Last week we began a discussion of the ten things that are the most frequent barriers to real succession planning. Failure to plan this important event is an invitation to disappointment frustration and alienation among family and staff. This week continues that discussion with #7. 7. Entitlement Often referred to as the "lucky sperm club" [...]

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