How Do You Handle Price Shoppers?

As I was preparing this week's article my friend, Dale Clock, posted this question and a followup on his blog Dale Time. (please click on the highlighted words and read his full comments)   This is a phenomenon that has become all too familiar and one that deserves discussion and feedback.  How do you handle price shoppers?  [...]

The Perils of Group Think

Why it is so important that you practice Critical Thinking I am concerned that we, as a profession, are making vital decisions about our future largely on the basis of opinion and conjecture.  Worse, we are allowing ourselves to be influenced by strong personalities or companies who have a need to fit their product into our solution.  [...]

By |2018-01-25T19:58:05-05:00June 9th, 2010|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|5 Comments

How “Best Purpose” Trumps “Best Practice”

How a part time hostess taught me the most valuable lesson. It was late 1989.  Rachel was then in her mid 70’s.  A retired school teacher, she had worked for us for about 6 or 7 years.  She was a quiet, unassuming and gracious woman who had that gift of always making you feel welcome.  [...]

The Warning Signs of Becoming Irrelevant

Wise words from Coach Nick Saban, Football Coach, University of Alabama Are you in danger of becoming irrelevant?  It's easy, you know?  Countless organizations have achieved this dubious distinction. Here are the warning signs: Facilities are outdated and tired looking Staff are disengaged, marking time and unmotivated More time is spent whining than doing Customers [...]

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