The March Of Dimes & Funeral Service

The March of Dimes was founded in 1938 by Franklin D. Roosevelt to eradicate Infantile Paralysis (Polio). With the advent of Jonas Salk's vaccine in the early 1950's the disease was largely eradicated in the Western World.  In 1994 the United States was the first nation to be certified "Polio Free." What does this have [...]

Six Blind Funeral Directors Describe Our Future

Six Blind Funeral Directors Describe Our Future Chapter 1 The Theory of DeathCare We are all familiar with the parable of the six blind men describing an elephant.  As we struggle with imagining the future of funeral service a survey of trade journal articles and convention agendas can’t help but bring this parable to mind.  [...]

Covid – 19 and The Reinvention of Spring Burials

Covid - 19 and The Reinvention of Spring Burials Talking with funeral directors across the nation and Canada I am hearing (as you are experiencing) that you are busy but the services are mostly abbreviated or direct. So your revenue is deeply affected. Many wonder what funeral service will be like after we struggle to return [...]

Creedy Not Bloodless After All

Blood Drives...Something You Can Do During the Pandemic Well there is a picture you can't unsee. Me giving blood at Pierce Jefferson Funeral Home in Greensboro. A few weeks ago I suggested to some of my clients they hold a blood drive. Several of them took me up on it. The first was Danny Jefferson [...]

Callaway – Jones Stay At Home Arrangements Helper

Callaway Jones Funeral offers "Stay At Home" Arrangement Helper. My friend, Cody Jones, of Callaway - Jones Funeral Home is offering a guide for his customers to prepare for arrangement conferences, sign documents and make choices.  He has given permission to share it.  click on the link below. And while you are there explore his [...]


CRäKN ELIMINATES CASE FEES DURING CORONA CRISIS TO HELP FUNERAL DIRECTORS WORK FROM HOME CRäKN is a relatively new funeral management tool that enables funeral directors to coordinate all aspects of delivering services via smart phone and pc.  You and your staff and many of your vendors interact remotely in real time. CRäKN facilitates every [...]

By |2020-03-24T09:25:02-04:00March 23rd, 2020|The Creedy Commentary|0 Comments

How To Know When You are Ready To Exit Your Business

How To Know When You are Ready To Exit Your Business The answer to this challenge is both situational and personal. Whether you plan on leaving the business altogether or you want to work as long as you are able, most people agree that achieving financial independence should be a primary goal. You may want [...]

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