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Do Boomers Find Your Website Annoying?

Funeral Home Websites have come a long way in the last 5 years.  Yet, most sites still remain fairly primitive.  One mistake many websites make (funeral and nonfuneral) is not understanding how their specific target market relates to websites in general.  Because many web developers and programmers are still relatively young and our audience is much older than they  this is particularly problematic for us.

Earlier this year I wrote a book review for a book entitled Boomdotand ended up befriending one of the authors, David Weigelt.  David’s firm, Immersion Active, is a niche marketing firm specializing almost exclusively in internet marketing to Baby Boomers.   They serve an impressive array of companies who want to grow their business in this “new” senior market including our loyal admirers: AARP (read the case study here).

Immersion Active has created a wonderful interactive device that enables us all to learn how an older person actually experiences websites.  It takes about ten to fifteen minutes. Try it out here.

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Alan Creedy

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