Burials down 4%…Cremations up 2.5%…Calculate Your Funeral Cliff

With all the hype about our nation's pending FISCAL CLIFF, I was recently asked when we could expect funeral service to reach it's fiscal cliff. For a number of years now it seems that if it weren't for bad news we wouldn't have any news at all.  Rumor has it that Batesville was reporting last [...]


My discussion of reinvention / transformation has sparked more comment (online and offline) than most any other topic. Clearly it is on every one's mind. As we continue to explore this topic it is important...maybe critical...that we realize that we have an obligation to ourselves and to the public to be conscious of keeping a [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:29:28-05:00December 10th, 2012|Blog, General Topics, The Creedy Commentary, Uncategorized|5 Comments


In Old Testament Days the Hebrew Temple contained the "Holy of Holies" behind the "Veil of The Temple".  The Ark of The Covenant which, in turn, held the stone tablets on which were written the Ten Commandments and Moses' rod was inside this area.  So sacred was it that only one priest was allowed to [...]


There is a level of neglect in our profession that will (and is) causing too many to approach the end of their careers facing great disappointment, forcing the postponement of retirement or spending retirement much more humbly than anticipated.  It is too dangerous to be considered benign.  Dangerous, certainly, at the individual firm level.   [...]

Reinvention: A 3 Pronged Plan

I once heard a sermon that now seems appropriate to this last in my series on reinvention. We all know the story of Jesus healing the blind.  This sermon wondered not about the healing but THE DAY AFTER.  The man's whole life was turned upside down.  He had KNOWN HOW to be blind.  His livelihood depended on [...]

REINVENTION: The “Valley Of Death”–Your Cycle Of Grief

Last week I referred to Andrew Grove's comments relative to the reinvention of Intel in which he referred to the process as the "Valley of Death." Strategic Inflection Points: what happens to a business when a major change takes place in its competitive environment... what is key is that they require a fundamental change in [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:30:26-05:00October 22nd, 2012|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|5 Comments

What You Should Know About Reinventing Yourself Before You Start

Reinvention will soon become the latest catchword in the DeathCare professions.  I agree! Reinvention has been a long time coming.  But I fear that many have already mistaken cosmetic touchups to our traditional practices as reinvention thus fooling themselves into continued complacency. There are many shades of reinvention and the magnitude of the one called [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:30:35-05:00October 15th, 2012|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|6 Comments
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