The Simpler The Strategy The More Likely The Success
Why do DeathCare Practitioners get these “Deer In The Headlight” looks when you use the word “Strategy” in their presence? I think it’s partly because they don’t really know where to start what can really be a pretty simple activity. And, besides, somebody keeps changing the starting point every darn day. If you attend enough conventions […]
Lessons On Leadership: Peak Performance From Adequate People
Peter Drucker was the first to draw a parallel between Leadership and Orchestra Conductors when he observed: “A great orchestra is not composed of great musicians but of adequate ones who produce at their peak. [A great conductor] has to make productive what he has…the players are nearly unchangeable. So it is the conductor’s people […]
Here Is a Video that Deserves To Be Viral
Get your crying towel out. This is a great video and I hope you will help make it viral. click below to see someone making a difference one life at a time.
Brad Speaks: Courage: How to Merchandise Your Service Charge
Many years ago I observed that funeral directors were spending a lot of energy, time, and resources (like money) to improve their casket merchandising. With a consistent year-over-year growth trend in cremation I found this odd. Especially in light of the complete absence of effort to do the same thing with service charges. So, I […]
Matt Shannon: New Ways to Use Webcasting
If you are like a growing number of funeral homes you offer webcasting. We webcast our mother’s funeral. This was the only way her 95 year old brother, 103 year old best friend and a handful of others could attend. They were thrilled. But with the help of Event By Wire Matt Shannon of Holman-Howe […]
Randy Bunker: Engaging Customers in A Powerful Way
A satisfied customer is no guarantee of a repeat customer. So say a growing number of marketing strategists including some of the most prestigious among the marketing professors at harvard, Stanford and Wharton. Today businesses must go beyond satisfying customers to ENGAGING customers. Here is a great example of encouraging participation, customer engagement and a […]
Why People Call…a web video
What is needed is a sensory rich way to communicate why people should call us rather than the other guy. I created this draft version for a client’s website. He is now working to use it as a commercial for tv ads. Most of the work is done. It can be modified for your use […]
Laura Marchelos: A Bold Testimonial Ad
Many funeral directors know that when they really help someone that person often becomes a friend and advocate. Yet, we are reluctant to ask for that public testmonial. Kilpatrick Funeral Homes in Monroe, LA produced this testimonial ad for about $3,500. It’s a great one. [ecorptv id=”134670″ width=”470″ height=”330″]
Kevin Bean: How To Get Customers to Stop Fixating on Price
In a recent Harvard Business Review article of the same title as this page the authors discussed research findings on 4 approaches that work for moving customers off price fixation. The one I liked most was narrowing your prices so that customers stopped thinking about what they could afford and, instead started thinking about what […]
Chris Butler: It’s All In The Details
It used to be said that “Funeral Service is in the details.” One of the characteristics of truly great practitioners and one that fascinates me is their preoccupation with even the smallest details. I have often thought that one of the most important traits I would look for in a funeral home employee might be […]
JIm Price: A Simple Way to Get Your Community Involved With You
Today’s awareness of our active military and veterans is higher than it has ever been. We are all looking for a way to thank them or lighten their burden. Here is a simple, meaningful way to involve your community and get some PR besides. [ecorptv id=”134755″ width=”470″ height=”330″]
Jim Price: Helping a Community Mourn
We all look for special ways to interact with our community. We know that when a national or international figure dies people need a way to express themselves. Many of us have made efforts to have register books available for the public to sign that can be sent off to commemorate public deaths like Princess […]
Let’s Collaborate:
At Creedy & Company, we’re more than just a consultant – I am your dedicated partner in driving business success.
With a deep understanding of your industry and unique needs, we collaborate with you to develop innovative strategies that enhance growth and achieve measurable results.
By combining my expertise with your vision, I can ensure that every step I take is aligned with your long-term goals. Let’s collaborate to unlock new opportunities and achieve success, together.