Should Women Wear Pant Suits?

I seem to have a penchant for joining fights that aren't mine. Not long ago I was presenting a seminar on dress and decorum to funeral directors at a large state convention. Several women asked for my opinion on wearing pants. Frankly, I hadn't thought about it so I didn't have one. Since then, I [...]

Employee Pushback – A Strategy

A client and friend of mine recently spent days revising the staff schedule to be more efficient and effective. He took great pains to think about its impact on staff and did his best to devise a plan that would work best for the funeral home AND create the least inconvenience for his staff. After [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:03:09-05:00November 2nd, 2015|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

Serve more families, work less and be more profitable

Staff shortages among licensed professions have been successfully addressed by changing the model in the medical and legal professions. The solution is simple: focus skilled licensed staff on the right duties and supplement them with trained lower level staff. The result: Licensees handle more cases, work fewer hours, produce more income and, as a byproduct, [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:05:04-05:00August 3rd, 2015|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

Is A Scarcity Mentality Keeping You From Being A Good Leader?

A Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit – even with those who help in the production. They also have a a very hard time being genuinely happy for the success of other people. Yet it is [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:12:18-05:00July 7th, 2014|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

Esse Quam Videri

I have to admit I tense up whenever someone begins using the Ritz Carlton as an example Funeral Service should use to fashion its own customer service profile.  Not that we can't learn some things from the Ritz.  We most certainly can!  But it is a dangerous recommendation when we fail to "Go Deep" on [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:26:46-05:00February 12th, 2013|Blog, General Topics, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

Managers Vs. Leaders: Which Are You?

As a student of leadership and as a "Benchmark" Assessor for the Center for Creative Leadership, I am well aware of the impact poor leadership has on results.  The problem, in my mind, is the historical emphasis on styles more appropriate to factory settings than businesses that actually interface with the public. The difference between a manager [...]

By |2011-01-24T13:50:11-05:00January 24th, 2011|The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

Are You Too Proud to Succeed?

A problem, certainly not unique to DeathCare but just as certainly profoundly prevalent, is an artificial sense of professionalism.  Born out of defining success by what people might think of us, it blocks our ability to succeed by making us unwilling to "Stoop To Greatness". I just received this two page post from Patrick Lencioni's [...]

The Tyranny of the Ten Call Man

A Management lesson from the bible One of the most common and pervasive staffing problems in funeral service is the man or woman who undermines almost every current and future issue management tries to address.  They are the "Mayor of the Prep Room".  No matter what initiative you attempt, they quietly work behind the scenes to [...]

By |2012-07-02T09:28:07-04:00August 10th, 2010|The Creedy Commentary|4 Comments
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