I Wish I Had Said That:

Sometimes you read stuff and it fits so perfectly all you are left with is: "I wish I had said that." Just as I was preparing my next followup article on how to make yourself unnecessary Linked-In published this blog post.  Since I couldn't improve on it I will just share it. If you are [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:23:35-05:00June 3rd, 2013|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

On Becoming Unnecessary

Funeral Service is simultaneously over managed and under led. The key to overcoming the "Being Necessary" complex is to recognize the difference between management and leadership. It is the overmanagement that creates all the physical and emotional stress in this profession. More to the point the current trends in misapplying management data is turning professionals [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:23:49-05:00May 27th, 2013|Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|2 Comments

4 Early Signs You May Be Losing Control of Your Business

Recently I read something that triggered an insight.  In my Funeral Home Consulting practice it is clear that businesses don't just suddenly spin out of control.  Except in the rare case of disruptive innovation like an unconventional competitor, calamity does not occur overnight.  "Things" start happening well before the challenges are apparent. Almost all of [...]

“If You Find You Are Riding A Dead Horse The Best Strategy is…

to dismount." Archimedes once said, "Give me a lever long enough and I will move the world" For the last 30 years we have been pushing harder and harder on one and only one lever with diminishing results and it's time we stopped. Many of you, dear readers, know that I have been a bible [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:26:34-05:00March 19th, 2013|Blog, The Creedy Commentary|6 Comments

PTSD: The Slow Leak in Funeral Service’ Tire

As we enter our 3rd month following the Newtown disaster our nation has long since settled back into its routine fighting over symptoms and ignoring causes. I find myself reflecting on a hidden issue.  A secret only occasionally mentioned and then quickly dismissed. No doubt those directly involved following this latest trauma are still affected [...]

Why The Answer Is Not Just Increasing Volume

I am an accountant. As I have watched the financial metrics of funeral service continue in their long slow decline over the past 30 years my natural response was "make it up in volume."  But then I had the good fortune to get my hands dirty.  I actually managed a funeral home and worked along side [...]

Esse Quam Videri

I have to admit I tense up whenever someone begins using the Ritz Carlton as an example Funeral Service should use to fashion its own customer service profile.  Not that we can't learn some things from the Ritz.  We most certainly can!  But it is a dangerous recommendation when we fail to "Go Deep" on [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:26:46-05:00February 12th, 2013|Blog, General Topics, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment
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