Are You A Change Champion?

There are, in fact, many firms today that remain in denial that our profession has changed dramatically and will continue to change into the foreseeable future. We cannot help them. I have lost count of the financial statements I have analyzed over the last several years. What strikes me is that virtually all of them [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:15:47-05:00November 25th, 2013|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

The Excellence Trap: How We Confuse Efficiency With Effectiveness

Are you a shop foreman or a leader? In recent years a new focus has crept in to the profession. We are trending toward becoming shop foremen instead of leaders. The belief being that we must measure everything and compare everyone to everyone else. This is, in fact, a good idea and a long time [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:16:06-05:00November 18th, 2013|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|0 Comments

Caregiver or Martyr? Beware the Rescuer Trap

Are you addicted to helping others or are your customer relationships creating unhealthy responses? Perhaps you’ve fallen victim to the Rescuer Syndrome. One of the common threads I am discovering as I get deeper into the study of culture within the funeral profession is the belief that one must be a “suffering servant” doing what [...]

Making Myself Unnecessary

I am a little annoyed with myself. As I address this topic of Leadership i find that I have fallen into the same trap as most others. I have succeeded in treating the difference between managers and leaders as two ends of a continuum and conveying the impression that one (managers) is bad and the [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:16:38-05:00October 7th, 2013|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|0 Comments

What DeathCare Can Learn From The Way Women Dress…An Epiphany

Insights come from the strangest places. This time from why women dress the way they do. My wife has bad feet. Most women do. Why? Because women's shoes are not designed for practicality. They are intended only to create an impression. Comfort and productivity, as purpose, are lost in favor of competing with others. When [...]

I Wish I Had Said That:

Sometimes you read stuff and it fits so perfectly all you are left with is: "I wish I had said that." Just as I was preparing my next followup article on how to make yourself unnecessary Linked-In published this blog post.  Since I couldn't improve on it I will just share it. If you are [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:23:35-05:00June 3rd, 2013|Blog, Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|1 Comment

On Becoming Unnecessary

Funeral Service is simultaneously over managed and under led. The key to overcoming the "Being Necessary" complex is to recognize the difference between management and leadership. It is the overmanagement that creates all the physical and emotional stress in this profession. More to the point the current trends in misapplying management data is turning professionals [...]

By |2018-01-25T20:23:49-05:00May 27th, 2013|Leadership, The Creedy Commentary|2 Comments
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